About us

Vision and mission

As an extension of the International Tang Soo Do Federation, our mission is to assist new and existing students on their Tang Doo Soo journey. This is because we would like to encourage people of all ages to come together, learn from each other, and build their confidence as they progress. This is done by providing easy-to-follow video tutorials so that new and existing students can learn new forms and techniques, even when access to training facilities is limited. We are dedicated to ensuring that all students have the tools required to succeed.


As a traditional martial art, we value socialising with each other, while also following the 5 basic principles of Tang Soo Do. These principles are:

  • Be loyal to your country.
  • Obey your parents and elders.
  • Respect to the instructor.
  • Self-control.
  • Never misuse your art.

This because we value the wellbeing and safety of our students, and believe in using our skills purely for self-defence. As such, respect, discipline and humility are an essential part of the Tang Soo Do tradition.